"on behalf of kids and kids at heart everywhere, to all the people who followed the trend of handing out bags of baby carrots for halloween...
"you suck and i'd have F***ed your S*** UP with eggs and TP. STOP KILLING HALLOWEEN AND GIVE OUT REESES."
- Katie Cook, artist, via Twitter
Monday, November 2, 2009
Quote of the Day - 11/2/09
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Photo of the Day - 11/1/09

Bacon and Cheese Omelet with a Side of Hash Browns and Toast
Breakfast at Tolly Ho
Lexington, Kentucky
November 1, 2009
Where to Start?

It's November 1, and that mean's it is the first day of National Novel Writing Month. The goal of NaNoWriMo (as it is called) is to encourage writers to finally break through that wall that has prevented them from starting and or completing a novel and get it done. The NaNoWriMo guidelines state that a writer is successful by completing at least 50,000 words toward their novel. According to the Web site:
National Novel Writing Month is a fun, seat-of-your-pants approach to novel writing. Participants begin writing November 1. The goal is to write a 175-page (50,000-word) novel by midnight, November 30.
Valuing enthusiasm and perseverance over painstaking craft, NaNoWriMo is a novel-writing program for everyone who has thought fleetingly about writing a novel but has been scared away by the time and effort involved.
Because of the limited writing window, the ONLY thing that matters in NaNoWriMo is output. It's all about quantity, not quality. The kamikaze approach forces you to lower your expectations, take risks, and write on the fly.
Make no mistake: You will be writing a lot of crap. And that's a good thing. By forcing yourself to write so intensely, you are giving yourself permission to make mistakes. To forgo the endless tweaking and editing and just create. To build without tearing down.
As you spend November writing, you can draw comfort from the fact that, all around the world, other National Novel Writing Month participants are going through the same joys and sorrows of producing the Great Frantic Novel. Wrimos meet throughout the month to offer encouragement, commiseration, and—when the thing is done—the kind of raucous celebrations that tend to frighten animals and small children.
In 2008, we had over 119,000 participants. More than 21,000 of them crossed the 50k finish line by the midnight deadline, entering into the annals of NaNoWriMo superstardom forever. They started the month as auto mechanics, out-of-work actors, and middle school English teachers. They walked away novelists.
There are no prizes of monetary significance. The only thing NaNoWriMo can offer is the encouragement to write that novel and give you a sense of achievement. And let me tell you, as a writer, that is quite a prize.
Writing is not always easy. Actually, it rarely is.
I attempted this endeavor for the first time last year. Taking classes, working and other things kept me from succeeding. But his year, I've decided I will not, NOT, be denied. I have 30 days to write at least 50,000 and after Day 1 I have completed 2,173 words. And it felt good. To achieve the 50,000 word mark, I must average about 1,667 words a day. I'm ahead of schedule, but I can't let that make me over confident or think that I can skip a day. I must continue to write 1,667 words a day. And I will.
At the end, I should have something I'm proud of, if for no other reason than I made it that far.
Of course, cleaning it up and rewriting is a different story.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Birthday Gift, Part 2
When I bought the turntable, I had no intention of buying anything else for my birthday. But then Terry Moore stepped up with an announcement that I could not ignore. Let's back up, though, and go through a little history.
If you know me at all, you know that I like to read comic books. Right now, I mostly only buy the collected editions rather than the single monthlies because it saves me some money and they are easier to place on my book shelf than the floppies. So a few years ago, maybe 2005, I had been reading online about this comic book called "Strangers in Paradise" (SiP) by Terry Moore. Just about everyone was raving about it, and from the descriptions, it sounded like a story I could enjoy. So, I found the first trade paperback collection and read it.

And I was in love.
This volume collected the three issues from the initial mini-series, which became volume one. Turns out, Moore decided to keep writing. So I began to snag the other TPBs, and I couldn't get enough. I loved the story so much that I felt the need to collect the story in all its forms: single issue, TPBs and hardcover collections. The toughest part was finding all the single issues. I was able to buy most of the TPBs and HCs via eBay in sets that were significantly cheaper than if I had bought them from a comics shop. And interestingly enough, when I purchased the HCs, most of them had been autographed by Moore.
Then Moore decided to introduce another version: the pocket books. These were smaller books that would allow readers to carry them with them just about anywhere. They truly were almost small enough to fit in your pocket. And yes, I bought those, too. But the single issues were most difficult because there were almost 10 years worth of issues to find (roughly 75 or so at that time). I had purchased a few of the more recent ones at a local comic shop, and then I remembered something that gave me some hope. A shop back near home in Evansville, Ind., has a large section of $1 comics. I had shopped there a few times before and decided to e-mail the owner to see if he happened to have any SiP issues in the $1 bins. Sure enough he did, nearly 40 issues. So, thanks to a great shop owner and the power of PayPal, I purchased the books (and saved shipping by picking them up the next time I went home). The rest of the issues I was able to find through sales online (mostly through some of the steep discounts provided by Mile High Comics).
I know, crazy.
Then at some point that I don't actually remember, Moore announced that he would be bringing SiP to a close. Yes, I was sad. But sometimes, stories just have to come to an end. And SiP ended with issue 90 in the summer of 2007.
Issue 1

Issue 90

Issue 90 also came with 3 other variant covers that when placed side-by-side showed the three main characters together: Katchoo, Francine and David.
Knowing that the end was coming, I had continued to buy the single issues as published, but decided against reading them so that I could read the last few issues in a single sitting, thus hoping to get more enjoyment out of the story and not having to wait however long it would take to for issue 90 to hit the stands after the publication of issue 89.
That summer, Moore also mentioned on his blog (July 7, 2007) that an omnibus edition of the entire series would be available the following summer. YAY! Another version to own. Sweet!
Summer 2008 came and went with no omnibus edition. How sad. But in October 2008, Moore blogged again and stated:
Great news. Still had to wait almost a year, but that's cool. Good things come to those who wait.
On February 19, 2009, Moore mentioned on his blog that he was caught up on his work, finally, and would be moving forward with those projects next on his list, including "then spend two weeks of evenings completing the omnibus and getting it ready to print." Good, it was still on.
On March 30, 2009, an update: "Things are good in SiPland. I’m working on the omnibus, trying to get it ready for this summer."
Then, on April 13, 2009, the wind went out of my SiP sails...
I was disappointed, yes, but I understood the economics of the situation. And patience I would have.
Then just a few weeks later on May 5, 2009, Moore stunned the masses: "AWOL cause I’m binging on the SiP Omnibus. Yep, it’s on again and for sure. Debut at San Diego con. Preorders offered here soon. Stay tuned."
Had Moore just been teasing in April when he said that the omnibus wouldn't be published this year? Was he trying to make way for a period in which he could devote a lot of time to putting it together without being asked about it? Maybe, but I think he probably had intended on waiting because of the economy. But I'm so glad he changed his mind.
A week later, on May 12, 2009, one day before my birthday, Moore sent out the news that I believe every SiP fan had been waiting for: "Heads up: We’re launching the SiP Omnibus for sale on-line later today! Stand by!"
Oh, believe me, I was standing by.
Four and a half hours later, the time had finally come: "The Strangers In Paradise Omnibus is now available for sale!!!"
The description of the book made it sound amazing and a must have for my collection, I mean I have every other copy, why shouldn't I have this one. But then I saw the price: $159.95 plus $15 shipping. Whew, that is a lot. But consider the details:
With all of that, it was still $175 total, so I wasn't sure if I should preorder or not. But the next day, my birthday, I decided, what the hell. I needed it to make my collection complete. So, I did, in fact, preorder. And now I look forward to the first of August when they ship.
Moore, who likes to post drawings he does related to the characters of SiP on his blog, also included the artwork that will grace the back of the slipcase.

I am truly looking forward to this collection.
So much so, that I've decided to re-read the series leading up to the release of the omnibus. While I read, I will blog my thoughts on the series, issue by issue. So if you are interested in learning more about SiP, or have already read it and want to just read my thoughts, check out the new blog "Strangers in Paradise: A Review" soon for my ongoing review. I will plan to review one issue a day, but might be able to review more than that on certain days.
update 10/11/09: I never did start reviewing SiP. In the meantime, I did receive my copy of the Omnibus, and it is beautiful. I have a number of other things going on, so I'm not sure when/if I'll get to this. But if I do, I will post here the link to the ongoing review.
If you know me at all, you know that I like to read comic books. Right now, I mostly only buy the collected editions rather than the single monthlies because it saves me some money and they are easier to place on my book shelf than the floppies. So a few years ago, maybe 2005, I had been reading online about this comic book called "Strangers in Paradise" (SiP) by Terry Moore. Just about everyone was raving about it, and from the descriptions, it sounded like a story I could enjoy. So, I found the first trade paperback collection and read it.

And I was in love.
This volume collected the three issues from the initial mini-series, which became volume one. Turns out, Moore decided to keep writing. So I began to snag the other TPBs, and I couldn't get enough. I loved the story so much that I felt the need to collect the story in all its forms: single issue, TPBs and hardcover collections. The toughest part was finding all the single issues. I was able to buy most of the TPBs and HCs via eBay in sets that were significantly cheaper than if I had bought them from a comics shop. And interestingly enough, when I purchased the HCs, most of them had been autographed by Moore.
Then Moore decided to introduce another version: the pocket books. These were smaller books that would allow readers to carry them with them just about anywhere. They truly were almost small enough to fit in your pocket. And yes, I bought those, too. But the single issues were most difficult because there were almost 10 years worth of issues to find (roughly 75 or so at that time). I had purchased a few of the more recent ones at a local comic shop, and then I remembered something that gave me some hope. A shop back near home in Evansville, Ind., has a large section of $1 comics. I had shopped there a few times before and decided to e-mail the owner to see if he happened to have any SiP issues in the $1 bins. Sure enough he did, nearly 40 issues. So, thanks to a great shop owner and the power of PayPal, I purchased the books (and saved shipping by picking them up the next time I went home). The rest of the issues I was able to find through sales online (mostly through some of the steep discounts provided by Mile High Comics).
I know, crazy.
Then at some point that I don't actually remember, Moore announced that he would be bringing SiP to a close. Yes, I was sad. But sometimes, stories just have to come to an end. And SiP ended with issue 90 in the summer of 2007.
Issue 1

Issue 90

Issue 90 also came with 3 other variant covers that when placed side-by-side showed the three main characters together: Katchoo, Francine and David.
Knowing that the end was coming, I had continued to buy the single issues as published, but decided against reading them so that I could read the last few issues in a single sitting, thus hoping to get more enjoyment out of the story and not having to wait however long it would take to for issue 90 to hit the stands after the publication of issue 89.
That summer, Moore also mentioned on his blog (July 7, 2007) that an omnibus edition of the entire series would be available the following summer. YAY! Another version to own. Sweet!
Summer 2008 came and went with no omnibus edition. How sad. But in October 2008, Moore blogged again and stated:
"True though, we are letting the trade paperbacks go out of print to make way for THE SIP OMNIBUS, which is scheduled for release next summer at the 2009 San Diego Comic-Con. By then there will be only two formats available for SiP: the omnibus and the ever-popular pocket editions. This means no more trade paperbacks. Because of this, we’ve decided to sell the remaining stock at half-price. Of the 19 tpb’s, 5 are already out of print, so check the store to see if the book you want is still available. So, yeah, the SiP Omnibus is happening and it’s official and we’ve already started working on it, because it’s big. I mean, big. B. I. G. Big. How big? Big. But cheap! More details later."
Great news. Still had to wait almost a year, but that's cool. Good things come to those who wait.
On February 19, 2009, Moore mentioned on his blog that he was caught up on his work, finally, and would be moving forward with those projects next on his list, including "then spend two weeks of evenings completing the omnibus and getting it ready to print." Good, it was still on.
On March 30, 2009, an update: "Things are good in SiPland. I’m working on the omnibus, trying to get it ready for this summer."
Then, on April 13, 2009, the wind went out of my SiP sails...
"Sad to report we won’t be publishing the SiP Omnibus this year. With the economy affecting all my business partners—shops and distributor—it’s just not the right time for an expensive collection, no matter how cool. Pick your moments, as they say. And although I have the book near completion, now is not a good time for my partners to try and commit to a $150 book. I’ll have to wait. Thing is, we let the trades go out of print, anticipating the pocket edition in its softcover format as the replacement. So, for the foreseeable future, the SiP series will be available in pocket editions only. Patience."
I was disappointed, yes, but I understood the economics of the situation. And patience I would have.
Then just a few weeks later on May 5, 2009, Moore stunned the masses: "AWOL cause I’m binging on the SiP Omnibus. Yep, it’s on again and for sure. Debut at San Diego con. Preorders offered here soon. Stay tuned."
Had Moore just been teasing in April when he said that the omnibus wouldn't be published this year? Was he trying to make way for a period in which he could devote a lot of time to putting it together without being asked about it? Maybe, but I think he probably had intended on waiting because of the economy. But I'm so glad he changed his mind.
A week later, on May 12, 2009, one day before my birthday, Moore sent out the news that I believe every SiP fan had been waiting for: "Heads up: We’re launching the SiP Omnibus for sale on-line later today! Stand by!"
Oh, believe me, I was standing by.
Four and a half hours later, the time had finally come: "The Strangers In Paradise Omnibus is now available for sale!!!"
The description of the book made it sound amazing and a must have for my collection, I mean I have every other copy, why shouldn't I have this one. But then I saw the price: $159.95 plus $15 shipping. Whew, that is a lot. But consider the details:
- The Complete Strangers in Paradise series
- All 107 issues plus extra issues
- Two hardback volumes collecting the story, 1,056 pages and 1,072 pages, respectively
- A third, 168-page hardback volume collecting all the covers in color
- All three hardcovers will be held in a custom slipcase
- Moore also will fix errors from the original run and improve the art
- The Omnibus will be limited to 1,500 copies, signed and numbered
With all of that, it was still $175 total, so I wasn't sure if I should preorder or not. But the next day, my birthday, I decided, what the hell. I needed it to make my collection complete. So, I did, in fact, preorder. And now I look forward to the first of August when they ship.
Moore, who likes to post drawings he does related to the characters of SiP on his blog, also included the artwork that will grace the back of the slipcase.

I am truly looking forward to this collection.
So much so, that I've decided to re-read the series leading up to the release of the omnibus. While I read, I will blog my thoughts on the series, issue by issue. So if you are interested in learning more about SiP, or have already read it and want to just read my thoughts, check out the new blog "Strangers in Paradise: A Review" soon for my ongoing review. I will plan to review one issue a day, but might be able to review more than that on certain days.
update 10/11/09: I never did start reviewing SiP. In the meantime, I did receive my copy of the Omnibus, and it is beautiful. I have a number of other things going on, so I'm not sure when/if I'll get to this. But if I do, I will post here the link to the ongoing review.
Strangers in Paradise,
Terry Moore
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Birthday Gift, Part 1
For awhile I've been wanting to get a record player. I have a small stack of old 45s I took from my sister from when she was in high school (that would have been early '80s - and they are AWESOME!). But I haven't had a way to play them, since I haven't had a turntable since I started buying CDs when I was in high school (that would have been the late 80s - and they were AWESOME!). But, for two other reasons I've been wanting to get a turntable:
But those reasons were never enough to really push me over the edge into buying one. That is until I read something from my cousin Ashley (who is quite a bit younger than I am, and a lot smarter)... she said that she prefers the sound of vinyl over CD. After I read that, I started looking for a turntable. But there is one problem... I don't listen to music much at home, mostly only in my car or on my iPod while I'm walking, so if I start buying records, how will I be able to listen to them more than just every once in a while. The answer: a USB turntable that will record to computer.
I was looking at a Crosley that I came across on the Urban Outfitters Web site. But these turntables weren't getting good reviews from the Web sites I was looking at. However, this one did. So, I decided to go for it. I didn't buy it from Urban Outfitters, however. I found it much cheaper on eBay, and it was new!
The package arrived last Thursday at my office, and I was actually able to control myself enough to wait until I arrived home to open the box.

I quickly removed it from the box and took the cover off. Yep, it looked like a turntable.

Then I pulled out the 45s I had taken from my sister and found "Delirious" by Prince. What better way is there to try out a new turntable than with a Prince record?

After listening to that classic, I pulled out the first album I had purchased since junior high school, "Who Killed Amanda Palmer" by Amanda Palmer.

And I gave it a spin.

One of the cool things about new albums and reissues is that many record companies are including coupons with codes that will allow for free downloading of the songs in MP3 format from the Internet.

But because not every new album does that, and of course old albums purchased used don't offer that service, the USB-enabled record player will allow me to make digital copies of those albums.
I'm pleased with this gift to myself, and looking forward to years of enjoyment of new material and reminiscing with old material.
- Nostalgia's Sake
- Increase in Vinyl Production
But those reasons were never enough to really push me over the edge into buying one. That is until I read something from my cousin Ashley (who is quite a bit younger than I am, and a lot smarter)... she said that she prefers the sound of vinyl over CD. After I read that, I started looking for a turntable. But there is one problem... I don't listen to music much at home, mostly only in my car or on my iPod while I'm walking, so if I start buying records, how will I be able to listen to them more than just every once in a while. The answer: a USB turntable that will record to computer.
I was looking at a Crosley that I came across on the Urban Outfitters Web site. But these turntables weren't getting good reviews from the Web sites I was looking at. However, this one did. So, I decided to go for it. I didn't buy it from Urban Outfitters, however. I found it much cheaper on eBay, and it was new!
The package arrived last Thursday at my office, and I was actually able to control myself enough to wait until I arrived home to open the box.

I quickly removed it from the box and took the cover off. Yep, it looked like a turntable.

Then I pulled out the 45s I had taken from my sister and found "Delirious" by Prince. What better way is there to try out a new turntable than with a Prince record?

After listening to that classic, I pulled out the first album I had purchased since junior high school, "Who Killed Amanda Palmer" by Amanda Palmer.

And I gave it a spin.

One of the cool things about new albums and reissues is that many record companies are including coupons with codes that will allow for free downloading of the songs in MP3 format from the Internet.

But because not every new album does that, and of course old albums purchased used don't offer that service, the USB-enabled record player will allow me to make digital copies of those albums.
I'm pleased with this gift to myself, and looking forward to years of enjoyment of new material and reminiscing with old material.
Amanda Palmer,
Who Killed Amanda Palmer,
Yes Blog, I've Missed You, Too
For those few who actually still read this blog, you've noticed that I've posted a couple new items over the past few months, but not nearly what I've wanted. But I'm back. For a number of reasons, my blogging was intermittent. It wasn't because I had nothing to say, just that I wasn't taking time to say it. I promise from now on at least one blog per week, probably coming on Sundays. If I come up with other things during the week, you'll see more. I know I've thought of a couple of "My Two Cents" columns over the past year, but never sat down to write them, but I promise to do more of that piece now. Also, I need to increase my photo of the day and quote of the day. Thanks to Twitter, there have been many great quotes recently that I should have posted. I will certainly make a point to do that, too.
So, glad the three of you are still reading, and keep coming back because there will be lots more.
So, glad the three of you are still reading, and keep coming back because there will be lots more.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I Think I'm Getting Old
I turned 38 yesterday. Yes, I know, that's not really old, but if I turned 38 and was recently diagnosed as having arthritis in my spine, doesn't that indicate I'm getting old? I think it does.
Luckily nothing major happened that would make me feel like I'm really old. But I have to admit that I hate that I'm 38 because I feel like I've got nothing to show for those 38 years.
The worst part of the day was that I remembered the last birthday gift my dad ever gave me. Back in 2006, either late January or early February, my dad told me that he had already gotten me a birthday gift, but of course he wouldn't tell me what it was, just that he had gotten it. I had forgotten about it until later, after he died in late February of that year, my mom and I were going through some of his things. I came across a pair of new white Chuck Taylors... my birthday gift. I cried when I found them.

I still haven't worn them. Three years later...
Luckily nothing major happened that would make me feel like I'm really old. But I have to admit that I hate that I'm 38 because I feel like I've got nothing to show for those 38 years.
The worst part of the day was that I remembered the last birthday gift my dad ever gave me. Back in 2006, either late January or early February, my dad told me that he had already gotten me a birthday gift, but of course he wouldn't tell me what it was, just that he had gotten it. I had forgotten about it until later, after he died in late February of that year, my mom and I were going through some of his things. I came across a pair of new white Chuck Taylors... my birthday gift. I cried when I found them.

I still haven't worn them. Three years later...
Saturday, May 2, 2009
"The Stand," Captain Trips and the University of Kentucky
In 1978, Stephen King's apocalyptic vision "The Stand" was first published. More than 10 years later, he released the complete and uncut edition. "The Stand" tells the story of good versus evil as set up thanks to most of the world's population being decimated thanks to a government-created super virus. Those who were immune began having dreams... some dreamed of an elderly woman who warned them of the evil that lurked about and drew them to her in Colorado, while others dreamed of "the Walkin' Dude" who drew those folks to Las Vegas. The novel culminates with an epic showdown.
Early on during the beginning of the death and destruction, King took the reader to various places around the United States where people were dealing with the virus scare in different ways. One of those scenes takes the reader to the fictional University of Kentucky at Louisville campus where students are working to form a coalition against the government who they believe is lying to them about the severity of the disease.
Last year, Marvel began publishing a comic book adaptation of the novel. In it, the writers seek more realism by planting this scene firmly on the campus of the University of Kentucky in Lexington.
And if you are familiar with the University of Kentucky campus, the artist also did not take any liberties with the image at the top of the page. As a matter of fact, I think he may have used this photo as a reference:

Ultimately, the story returns to UK's campus where students hold their anti-government rally, which is interrupted by the police and, as the story indicates, a "turkey shoot" takes place.

I have to give Marvel and the creative team behind "The Stand: Captain Trips" credit for incorporating realism into this fictional story. And it's cool that it's UK.
Early on during the beginning of the death and destruction, King took the reader to various places around the United States where people were dealing with the virus scare in different ways. One of those scenes takes the reader to the fictional University of Kentucky at Louisville campus where students are working to form a coalition against the government who they believe is lying to them about the severity of the disease.
Last year, Marvel began publishing a comic book adaptation of the novel. In it, the writers seek more realism by planting this scene firmly on the campus of the University of Kentucky in Lexington.
And if you are familiar with the University of Kentucky campus, the artist also did not take any liberties with the image at the top of the page. As a matter of fact, I think he may have used this photo as a reference:

Ultimately, the story returns to UK's campus where students hold their anti-government rally, which is interrupted by the police and, as the story indicates, a "turkey shoot" takes place.

I have to give Marvel and the creative team behind "The Stand: Captain Trips" credit for incorporating realism into this fictional story. And it's cool that it's UK.
Captain Trips,
The Stand,
University of Kentucky
Friday, April 17, 2009
Batman: Arkham Asylum and the next Bat-film
The upcoming video game Batman: Arkham Asylum is almost making me want to save my pennies so that I can buy a PS3 on which to play this bad boy.
Here are a couple of trailers for the game:
But it is the one I saw today that makes the game even more interesting... the addition of Harley Quinn.
I really like what that they've removed her, at least from the look of this trailer, from the cartoony Harley Quinn of Batman: The Animated Series to more along the lines of how she appeared in the original graphic novel Joker.
But more interestingly, is that this could show a way of incorporating Harley into the next Batman film.
I don't see why it couldn't be a possibility.
Here are a couple of trailers for the game:
But it is the one I saw today that makes the game even more interesting... the addition of Harley Quinn.
I really like what that they've removed her, at least from the look of this trailer, from the cartoony Harley Quinn of Batman: The Animated Series to more along the lines of how she appeared in the original graphic novel Joker.
But more interestingly, is that this could show a way of incorporating Harley into the next Batman film.
I don't see why it couldn't be a possibility.
Monday, April 13, 2009
it's early
i hate it when i can't sleep. i woke up at 3:30 a.m. today. not sure if it was me or my noisy upstairs neighbor. either way, i wasn't able to go back to sleep. why? i started thinking.
and i was thinking about some bad stuff. and i think i've made some decisions that even surprised me.
decisions that probably will be better discussed at a later time.
and i was thinking about some bad stuff. and i think i've made some decisions that even surprised me.
decisions that probably will be better discussed at a later time.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Quote of the Day - 4/9/09
"I think the best way to start writing a novel is to start writing a novel."
- Neil Gaiman, via his online journal
- Neil Gaiman, via his online journal
Friday, February 20, 2009
Remembering Dad
During this month I remember my Dad, who died in 2006.
Last year I blogged about February 2006 and how it all happened.
I am creating this posting to consolidate those entries.
It's still tough. But this helps.
Here It Goes Again
Fear This!
Sammy and Dad
Hittin' the Rails
February 15, 2006
February 16, 2006
February 17, 2006
February 18-19, 2006
February 22, 2006
February 23-34, 2006
February 25, 2006
February 27, 2006
The Aftermath
Father's Day 2008 - Part 1
Father's Day 2008 - Part 2
Last year I blogged about February 2006 and how it all happened.
I am creating this posting to consolidate those entries.
It's still tough. But this helps.
Here It Goes Again
Fear This!
Sammy and Dad
Hittin' the Rails
February 15, 2006
February 16, 2006
February 17, 2006
February 18-19, 2006
February 22, 2006
February 23-34, 2006
February 25, 2006
February 27, 2006
The Aftermath
Father's Day 2008 - Part 1
Father's Day 2008 - Part 2
Monday, January 26, 2009
Quote of the Day - 1-26-09
"About to drink second cup of tea without Marmalade this morning. Also, I just won the Newbury Medal for THE GRAVEYARD BOOK."
(and moments later)
"Newbery, not Newbury. Also FUCK!!!! I won the FUCKING NEWBERY THIS IS SO FUCKING AWESOME. I thank you."
- Neil Gaiman, author, via Twitter
(and moments later)
"Newbery, not Newbury. Also FUCK!!!! I won the FUCKING NEWBERY THIS IS SO FUCKING AWESOME. I thank you."
- Neil Gaiman, author, via Twitter
Friday, January 23, 2009
I am really looking forward to this film. I've never read the book, but have been getting into Neil Gaiman's stuff for a while now, and really like it. I recently read "The Graveyard Book" and really dug it. It's the first novel of his that I've read, having read some of his "Sandman" work.
So, check out the movie "Coraline" on Feb. 6.
And speaking of "The Graveyard Book," if you are interested in it but don't want to read it yourself, you can go to www.mousecircus.com and see video of Neil Gaiman reading the book.
So, check out the movie "Coraline" on Feb. 6.
And speaking of "The Graveyard Book," if you are interested in it but don't want to read it yourself, you can go to www.mousecircus.com and see video of Neil Gaiman reading the book.
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