Monday, December 17, 2007
The Dark Knight
I truthfully think that Batman is going to be shown up by the Joker in the next installment.
And if you haven't seen this, watch it now! Click HERE for high-quality version.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Now What?
However, even though the class is over, my filmmaking is not. I've got some things brewing here and there, and now I have a significant group of people I know who want to make films, too.
I hope to have a link to my short film online soon. Just have to figure out how to do it.
Stay tuned...
Monday, December 10, 2007
here is another version that is very good, too. and it touches me just as much.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
I was originally planning to stay around Lexington and have my mom come down, but she wasn't feeling well, so I drove home to Henderson for the long weekend. And it turned out well.
Spent Thanksgiving day at my aunt's place, which is great because a lot of my family on my dad's side were there, people I don't get to see as often as I would definitely like to. Had some good food and a lot of laughs.
I had such a good time that afterward I was feeling a little guilty. That sounds insane I know. I felt guilty because I was enjoying myself despite my dad not being there. It was the second Thanksgiving since he died, and I hated that. And it hurt. But it was good, too, because everywhere I looked he was there. That may sound weird, too. But for me, that's just how it is.
Now I have to gear up and prepare for my second Christmas without him. How am I supposed to do that? I'm sure I'll figure out a way, and I think I'm going to get to see the family again. So, he'll be there.
I guess he always is...
Monday, November 12, 2007
I remember when I was a kid, my dad participated in the NFL pool-type thing at his work. I don't remember exactly how it worked, but somehow if the team you had scored 33 points, you won a portion or all of that week's pot. I hadn't thought of that in a long time.
Yesterday, I was watching the Philadelphia Eagles and Washington Redskins games.
The Eagles scored 33.
I thought of my dad.
The smallest things...
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Big News (for me, at least)
First let me apologize AGAIN for not updating this blog more often. But I’ve finally found a few moments to take some time to give everyone a much-needed update, and actually very big news. For me, at least.
Most everyone who knows me knows that it was about a year ago that I left my position with Host Communications. I had been there a little over two years and it turned out to not be the job it was made out to be. Promises had been initially made but never fulfilled. Because of that and the often unacceptable working conditions, I felt it best to change my life so that it was no longer a part of it.
So, I left Host. The scary part of that was that I didn’t have another job at the time. In January, I took a couple of classes at Bluegrass Community and Technical College here in Lexington. I enrolled in Introduction to Film and Editing With Final Cut Pro. The intro to film class was good. I mean, we basically watched movies in class everyday, and our homework was watching films. In my other class I learned how to use Apple’s Final Cut Pro software to edit video. For my final project in that class I made a music video. You can see it here, if you haven’t already.
Once the semester was over, I took on two part-time jobs: one at the UK Basketball Museum and one at the Fayette Mall Cinemark movie theatre. I also was helping a friend prior to this with establishing a local trivia competition, but finances forced me to push most of my focus to the part-time jobs. Finally, I sucked up as much of my pride as I could and moved in with my sister’s family for awhile.
The plan was this: take the BCTC certificate program in filmmaking this fall, a few classes next spring and then attend a graduate program in film where I hoped to get a degree in screenwriting.
Just to back up a little for those who may not know. I wrote a screenplay. I don’t think it’s that good, but those I know who have read it tell me they disagree. Anyway, I had this script and didn’t know what to do with it. So, I thought, “If I can’t get anybody to make a film of this script why don’t I just do it.” The thing about technology today, it’s so inexpensive to own equipment now that anybody can be a filmmaker. You just need a camera and a story. If you don’t believe me, go to Youtube and you’ll see. Of course, having those two things doesn’t make everything good. Quite the opposite, actually. But you CAN make a film.
So, I thought I’d study filmmaking. This semester I have been doing just that. And I LOVE it! I really do. It seems like something I can continue to do. But a few weeks ago, I realized something. The chances of me truly making a nice living making films was not that great. Probably greater than a high school basketball player making the NBA, but I’m sure not much. Also, I decided that while I’d love to go to grad school and continue my film studies, it just didn’t seem that it would be worthwhile to go into so much debt on top of what I already have from previous education to study film. And someone who has become something of a mentor from my experiences in class told me that he truly felt film school was a waste of money. You can learn just as well through one simple thing: making movies. Just make movies. Whether they are bad or not, just make them. If they are bad, then you’ll know why and you can fix it later. And then they’ll get better.
Therefore, I decided I would forego film school.
Well, if I did that, what would I actually do?
The answer to that kind of fell in my lap. And here is how...
Back in early September I got a call from my friend Kelley. Kelley and I worked together at the University of Kentucky Public Relations Office for two years. That is where I was prior to moving to Host. Kelley called me because she had some information on a possible freelance writing job for me. She said I needed to call someone at the UK College of Education. Well, that brought back some interesting memories which almost caused me to not call them.
About a week or so after I left Host last year, I had an interview for a public relations position with the UK College of Education. One of the people I interviewed with was the person who had contacted Kelley about needing someone to do some writing for them. But for whatever reason, I didn’t get the job last year.
Well, I decided I needed the money, so I called. The reason they needed someone quickly for some freelance work was because the person they hired over me suddenly quit. I won’t go into it here, but click here to read for yourself.
So, I go in, meet with them and decide to take the work, during which I never really consider applying for the job opening. On a couple of occasions I was told by those I was working with that I should apply. But at the time, I was still considering film graduate school.
Then along the way, I decided to forego film school, and the answer to “What to do now?” was evident. I enjoy writing, I like public relations okay, and I enjoyed working with the folks at the College of Education. Therefore, I decided to apply for the open public relations job.
My thinking was that with that job, I could retrieve some financial security and by working at UK, I’d have great, GREAT benefits. And because I knew that I’d never probably be rich and famous and didn’t want to go into debt anymore, I would just make films in my spare time. This will allow me to get some of my own equipment, and taking this filmmaking class this semester has given me some wonderful contacts in the business, not to mention a number of other folks in the area who want to make films just like I do.
And there you have it. Oh, forgot to mention -- I was offered and I accepted the job at the College of Education. I should start one day this coming week.
I think it will be good for me. I’ll have a good job, and I should still be able to do some of the things I want to do -- write and make films. Most importantly, I can move back to Lexington, hopefully to the Chevy Chase area.
Actually, in my class I have been able to write and direct a short film and yesterday I finished a first rough cut of it. When it’s complete, I’ll be sure to put it online for you all to see.
I guess I’ve taken up enough of your time. But I wanted to share the news with all the people I care about.
Keep checking back here for more news, and just my thoughts from time to time.
I truly am going to try to write more often.
I’ll be sure to write about the process of directing my first film soon, as well.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Who would have thought?
Yeah, me either.
And there are a lot of them.
Next time you are on an interstate, pay attention to the trucks. I think you'll be surprised at how well represented the Swedish auto manufacturer is on 18 wheels.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Colin at Work
So, I went to see Colin Hay in Louisville last Tuesday, and let me just say that it was a great show. He was funny, charismatic, and I can't forget that the music was great.
He came out alone and sang the wonderful song "I Just Don't Think I'll Ever Get Over You." If you have seen the movie "Garden State" or have the movie soundtrack, then you've heard this song before.
He then sang one other song alone, "Maggie" from his album "Going Somewhere."
Then his band joined him and they played a 2-hour set of songs from his solo albums and songs from his days with Men At Work.
Including a great song called "Are You Lookin' at Me?" from his album of the same name.
Before the band got going, Colin said, "Back in the '80s I was part of a band, and we'll play some songs from then tonight. And after that band broke up, I have recorded a few solo albums, so we'll play some of those songs, too. So, that's just about it. No surprises. Nobody will be joining us on stage. That's it."
Someone in the crowd yelled, "What, no Wang Chung???" Colin laughed and said, "No. Now that'd be a big fucking surprise wouldn't it?"
In between songs he went on to tell a number of stories. He talked about how he'd like to do something with Bob Dylan sometime. He said he didn't mean record a song or anything. He thought it would be cool to got shopping at Costco with him, maybe buy some toilet paper. He talked about how a couple of his band members went to The Guitar Center in Alabama looking for kazoos, and the store employees thought they were mad despite the fact that is an instrument store and a kazoo is an instrument. He said he planned to open a store called The Kazoo Center and just below the word Kazoo he would have the word Guitar, which would be X'ed out. He talked about how he played in Ringo Starr's band once and wrote a song for Ringo. He said that Ringo never said anything about the song and he didn't feel it was his place to ask someone of the magnitude of Ringo Starr about it. So, he continued, when he left that band and was ready to record an album, he decided to just record it himself.
It was a great show. Like I said, they played for 2 straight hours, playing a lot of good stuff. Many of you might not know his solo stuff (other than the song listed above), but you might recognize the following three songs he played from his Men At Work days.
Colin is a great singer/songwriter, and there are so very few goods ones nowadays. If you ever get a chance, you should check out his work. I don't think those of you who appreciate quality songs over the Pop/Hip-Hop stuff out there now, you won't be disappointed.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Saturday, September 1, 2007
My Two Cents #1
They also remade “
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
My Future????????
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Fear This!
Well, today I have story #1. I was in Lexington to take a test so that I could get my Food Handlers Permit. Yes, I am now certified by the Lexington Board of Health to handle food that will be consumed by perfect strangers (a wonderful story on this will be forthcoming in the next day or so). Anyway, I decided to stop by the Joe Craft Center at the University of Kentucky to visit my bestest buddy Donna. Donna and I go way back to 1992 when I was a student worker at the UK payroll department. Anyway, I hadn't seen Donna in a while, so I decided to go by there and see how see was doing.
This was the first time I had ever been in the Joe Craft Center, and let me say I was enpressed. At least with the lobby and such. I didn't get a tour of the practice areas or the like (Donna, you need to give me that tour soon!), but it reminded of a time when my dad, a number of years ago, probably around '97 or '98 my dad came to Lexington to visit me.
We went down, as I did today, to visit Donna and chat a little bit. This was back in the days when most of the offices for Athletics were in the dreary subterranean hallways of Memorial Coliseum. My dad loved Kentucky. He would buy just about any type of anything that said Kentucky on it. When I worked in UK Athletics, I often gave T-shirts I was given to him. He loved it, and he often told me to tell Donna to get him something, anything. So, that day, he was wearing a UK sweatshirt and cap and ready to go.
Since it was my dad's first time in Memorial Coliseum, he was eager to take a look around, so Donna gave him the tour. As we rounded the corner beside Bill Keightley's former office/equipment room, we spotted Jamaal Magloire. I happened to have a camera with me and Jamaal was nice enough to let us snap a shot of him. Then as we made our way down the hall and glanced in the training room, we saw Scott Padget, Nazr Mohammad, and Cameron Mills. Well, dad wanted his photo taken with them, and they, too, were more than happy to oblige. When it comes down to it, those guys simply made my dad's day. And if I could, I'd love to personally thank them for that.
Dad and Mills
Dad and Padgett
Dad and Nazr
You might notice that there is something on my dad's forehead. He had purchased some UK temporary tattoos that day. He also got one, which he jokingly put on his forehead. It said, "Fear This".
Please don't ask me to explain it. Just know my dad was fun that way.
Dammit, I miss him...
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Pure Grace
This movie co-starred Grace Kelly. Of course, before seeing this movie I had heard of her, she was a princess for goodness' sake. But I had never seen her in a movie. Then I saw "Rear Window" back in February or so. Many critics have claimed that her entrance in this movie, the moment when the audience first sees her, is one of the best character entrances in movie history. From all the movies I've seen in my life, I have to agree.
Grace Kelly was so beautiful and a wonderful actress. It's a shame she had to give up acting when she married the Prince of Monaco.
Anyway, here is the entrance she makes in "Rear Window."
What do you think?
At the Movies
Well, at the ripe old age of 36, I have found my way into a job that is now allowing me this pleasure. Granted, I don't have to fry burgers or anything like that, but working at a movie theatre has afforded me the opportunity to serve up food to hungry patrons on their way into the hottest new movies. It's rather easy actually. Scoop up some popcorn here, fill a cup with Coca Cola there, maybe even sell a big pickle (yes, people actually do buy and eat the pickles).
But the thing I am hating about this new adventure is the customers. It's like what Randal said in "Clerks," the job would be a lot better if it weren't for the customers.
I can count on at least once during every shift behind the concession counter a customer making some kind of rude or hateful comment about the prices of the concessions. Yes, they are over-priced, but that is how the theatre makes its money. But what these customers don't understand is that I am not coming in and setting the prices myself. I don't get a cut of it, and frankly, they don't have to buy any of the items we offer. One night, very seriously, a man told me after buying sodas and candy for about 5 kids, that we were robbing him. I just smiled and told him to enjoy his movie. It's what you have to do to get by -- smile and let it roll off your back.
That, plus the fact that we are supposed to try to upsell (convince the customer to buy a bigger size if available), reminded me of a scene from the movie "Ghost World." In the following clip, go to the point with 6:44 left and watch as Enid goes through what I go through.
The movie theatre concession business is very much like that.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
I am sure that not everyone cares about those things, but I hope that some of you do. My problem often is not e-mailing everyone I should as often as I should. I really do love to keep in touch with my friends and family, but just can't always find the time. I have a few friends on Myspace and Facebook, but not everyone I want to communicate with have profiles on those sites. So, I thought it would be beneficial to set up this site as a catch all for everyone.
I am going to try to post here every couple days or so as my schedule permits. If you read something that you would like to comment about, please do. If you want to respond in private, please by all means shoot me an e-mail (if you learned of this weblog, then you know my e-mail address).
For now, I am doing well, and I hope everyone else is, too.