Anyway, the Internet (or interwebs as some like to call it) is abuzz about a possible third Bat-flick by Christopher Nolan (too many stories to link to from here. if interested, just Google it). I'm more of a wait-and-see kind of guy. I hope there's a third one, but I'm not gonna chatter on and on about how there should be and who the villain should be and all that nonsense. If there is a third one, Nolan and his writing team will advise us when they want to. Until then, we just have to wait.
But there is this guy out there somewhere, posting art on the interwebs about possible versions of heroes and villains as he envisions them in the Nolan Bat-verse.
Ian, a buddy of mine from my days at Cinemark Fayette Mall, and I had this ongoing discussion about who could play Harley Quinn in a Bat-film. We named a number of possibilities. One who did come up was Kristen Bell. Well, turns out she would like to play Harley Quinn (go to 3:39 of the following video).
Turns out fanboys and fangirls think whe would be a good choice, too (again, too many links to cite).
And so this interwebs artist created the Nolan Bat-verse version of Harley Quinn modeled after Kristen Bell.

Honestly, I think this could work. And it would be a great addition I think. The Joker is probably in Arkham. You could introduce the character of Harleen Quinzeel, a psychiatrist treating the Joker who falls in love with him and assumes the character Harley Quinn. I think you could even do it without ever seeing the Joker.
Now I really want Harley Quinn to be in the next film.
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